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Welcome To My Home Page
Welcome to my Haruka and Michiru web site. Those who are offended by lesbians, turn back now. Michiru and Haruka have the perfect realationship and sailormoon fans respect them. I would like to tell the sailormoon fans that watch dubed sailormoon in North America that Uranus and Neptune are NOT COUSINS!!!! They say that so no one will know their lesbians but all loyal sailormoon fans belive otherwise. I don't think that North America should hide their relationship, after all look at all the gay's on t.v in the U.S, there's a gay on every station!!!! So for those of you who watch sailormoon and hear them call each other cousins ever episode, you can always come here and relax.
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My site is under HEAVY constrution but you can go to my photo gallery.

Here is a Manga pic of Haruka holding Michiru.


For all of you who can't find someone, don't give up! I found my Haruka! And I love her!

Sailor Neptune's Deep Submerge
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