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How Michiru and Haruka met
Elza Grey raced against Haruka in track. They were very competitive but Haruka always won. Elza decided to introduce Haruka to her friend Kaioh Michiru who was very flirtatious with Haruka. Haruka was in awe of Michiru's beauty. Michiru made Haruka very nervous with her flirting. It was love at first sight and they were shocked by their strength of emotions. However such strong emotions scared Haruka, so she ran away from her only love. However their paths soon crossed again at Michiru's performance on a cruise ship. Haruka was still scared and Michiru noticed. It was then, when Haruka first encountered Michiru's darker side in her painting "The end of the world." Michiru had been waiting for her. She tried to make Haruka understand but Haruka didn't want that destiny. "I HAVE DREAMS TOO HARUKA!!!" Michiru explains that she can't deny her destiny and Haruka shouldn't either. Haruka was at the track when something strange happened. Haruka's first instinct was to fight but the monster was her friend. But suddenly a strange pen appered. "If you take that pen your life will never be the same." Michiru transforms into sailor neptune. "You'd do that for me?" Haruka asks. "Don't you know what you mean to me?"

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